Navigating Through Woman-Hood
The Chronicles of a Prophet's Wife extends a warm welcome to all of you.
If this is your first time reading, then you should think of yourself as a member of the Dynamite family! Being a Dynamite is living by faith and being aspired to make an influence on this life path, not just being a follower of my platforms!
For our weekly I AM Fruitful Prophetic Prayers, I felt led to speak on a topic that has been heavy on my heart - Navigating Through Womanhood in a Changing World. The world is evolving so fast and in different ways that it can be so easy to get lost in what society is doing. Jesus told us to be SET APART but many women of God often conform to what the world is doing to fit in, become likeable or indecently behaving/dressing.
This topic has become lost in translation as modesty and purity is no longer celebrated because it is not seen as 'cool' or 'interesting'. Do not lose who God has called/created you to be. Being unique in who God has called you to be, means you are walking in the path that God has created for you to walk in - reaching and touching the lives that the Lord has called you to touch.
YES, we can be inspired by others but you were not created to live their lives. From a recent experience I would look at other pastor's wives and feel inferior. I started to feel like I was no doing things right and lost in my own mind but the Lord made me realise that I cannot be someone else or measure my destiny to another. The Lord pressed on my heart to share the following prayers so we can walk tall in our womanhood in this ever changing world.
Galatians 6:4-5 - "Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life."
1. Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, O Lord guide me with your wisdom as I navigate the complexities of womanhood in this ever - changing world in the name of Jesus.
2. Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, O Lord, grant me the strength to embrace my unique gifts and talents, and to use them for the betterment of myself and others in the name of Jesus.
3. Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, Holy Spirit empower me to walk in confidence and grace, knowing that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in Your image in the name of Jesus.
4. Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, O Lord help me to cultivate healthy relationships that uplift and support me on my journey through womanhood in the name of Jesus.
5. Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, O Lord, teach me to discern between societal pressures and Your divine will for my life so that I may live according to your purpose in the name of Jesus.
6. Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, O Lord grant me the courage to stand firm in my beliefs and values, even in the face of adversity.
7. Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, O Lord Holy Spirit, fill me with love, joy, and peace, so that I may radiate Your light wherever I go in the name of Jesus.
8. Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, O Lord protect me from the snares of the enemy and guide me along the path of righteousness in the name of Jesus.
9. Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, O Lord help me to find balance in all aspects of my life – emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally in the name of Jesus.
10. Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, O Lord let your grace abound in me as I navigate the challenges and triumphs of womanhood, knowing that with You all things are possible in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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