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Letting Go of The PAST!

You are all welcome to The Chronicles of a Prophet's Wife.

If it is your first time reading this piece, consider yourself a Dynamite; welcome to the family! Being a Dynamite does not only mean you're a follower of my platforms but somebody seeking to make an impact in this life journey, living by Faith!

If you are returning, you are already a dynamite, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I only ask for one thing, for you to SHARE to be a blessing.

Furthermore, ladies, how are you doing today, and how has your week been?

In todays entry we are discussing: I AM NOT MY PAST! Diving into how the hand of God can scoop us up from where we were and the journey He is presently taking us on now.

Philippians 3:13-14 - "Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

This scripture tells us that we should reach for the things before us and leave the things of the past behind us - this does not mean we neglect the things we learnt, skills we acquired and knowledge we gained along the way. However, one thing I have observed is that as human beings, instead of taking these things as lessons, we carry the burden of the past and begin to project negativity, think less of ourselves or contemplate the position the Lord has placed you - resulting in becoming consumed and drained emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.

Child of God, I have been there. When I started developing my relationship with God and consciously decided to go into full time ministry, I would ask the Lord why He would show me so much mercy and promote me to be a leader - which requires so much strength especially when I felt I was weak in certain areas. In the instances that I would cry, the Spirit of the Lord would wrap my heart with His promises for my life. I would be reminded that my past is not my strength; it was my recreational ground to launch me into PURPOSE.

Often times we think about what COULD, WOULD OR SHOULD have been and condemn ourselves because of the actions of our past. The bible says in Matthew 11:28 - "Come to me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." That means we have the privilege to lay everything that is heavy on our hearts at the Master's feet and chase after what the Lord has guaranteed in His word - the rest of your mind, body and soul from all that is troubling you. Your past is not a reflection of who you TODAY but a starting point of who you will become in the FUTURE.

Being consumed by your past can prevent you from changing someone else's story - utilising your testimony as an inspiration to bring someone out of their situation. Even though God never intended for you to go through those things, He re-writes your STORY for His GLORY! Develop that understanding and watch how things will begin to TURN AROUND for you!

Ephesians 4:22 - "that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts,"

Did you know that turning back to the past can potentially blind you from seeing the things that the Lord wants to bless you with - that can be a job opportunity, a potential husband, promotion at work or have a unquenchable relationship with Jesus Christ. I want you to declare : I AM NOT MY PAST! I AM MY FUTURE! By the reason of this declaration, I pray that the cloud covering your eyes will be lifted in the name of Jesus!

Ladies, I want you to engage the following prayer for a renewal of self. Let go of the past and start looking towards your beautiful and God ordained future:

Heavenly Father, as I begin to pray, O Lord give me strength to shed off my former self and renew my body, mind, soul and spirit. Father, may my past remain in the past and guide my feet towards the future You have for me in the name of Jesus!

For today's blog, I'd like to know your thoughts. Use the comments section to share your thoughts! God bless you all!

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